Ready To

Use Case | aSTEAM Village

Leadership, Teamwork & Problem-Solving
Achievement Domain

Making Decisions & Creating Impact Solutons

What Leadership
Skills Do You Bring To The Table?

The skill cards in the Leadership, Teamwork & Problem-Solving achievement domain gives learners an organizational development model to follow so they can strategically develop and implement impact solutions that benefit their team and their community.
card deck
$ 29 / each
eGift cards
$ 50 / each


aSTEAM Village
Community On Demand™ Entrepreneurship Workshop @ Union Station

Play Dates.
aSTEAM Village @
Union Station

William Wells, Executive Director of aSTEAM Village (and NEXT Steps’ first SIP Source Center) has been piloting Community On Demand™ since 2019.

Thanks to aSTEAM Village, we were able to host our largest play date to date — 100 students and their teachers.  Within 90 minutes, we were able to take them through the entire STEAM Investigative Process where they actually presented to their teachers, City representatives, university professors and nonprofit organizations realistic impact solutions that addressed, reduced and could possibly eliminate some of the negative socio-economic impact their city was facing.

We also participated in aSTEAM Village’s new broadband and fiber initiative called Digital KC Now.  We were interviewed as part of their Village of Geniuses DocuShort by Mac Lethal.

Buy The Game Set

Purchase the entire Community On Demand™ game set

All over the country, educators, legislators and law enforcement officers are asking, “What are we to do with marginalized and alienated youth in urban areas?” Community On Demand is the answer!
Chike Akua, Ph.D., Author
“Education for Transformation: The Keys to Releasing the Genius of African American Students” Teacher Transformation Institute

Let Us Help Develop Your
Leadership Development Plan

Start Your Own 2-4 Year Pilot Program

Our Train-The-Trainer Professional Development Workshops provide step-by-step instructions on how to use our learning tools and materials so you can seamlessly integrate Community On Demand™ into your new or existing curriculum and training programs


Professional Development


Skills Self-Assessment Worksheets


Career Mapping Visualization Tools


Work-based learning experiences


Critical thinking, problem solving and leadership


Virtual engagement with STEAM Industry Professionals


Verification of skills development through applied learning