JEM Team Application

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Junior Executive Management Team
2020 – 2023 Pilot Program

Application Form

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Contact Us for more info

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  • PURPOSE The purpose of this Application is to support The NEXT Steps Youth Entrepreneur Program's interests in launching the Community On Demand Card Game Curriculum ("Pilot Project") as a flexible, blended-learning employment solution that helps learners in your school district (or county) quickly identify up to 63 of their high-demand employability skills. About Our Curriculum

    The Community On Demand (CoD) Card Game Curriculum is comprised of:
    • CoD Card Deck is an innovative 72-pc pocket-size deck of cards that use five color-coded achievement domains to help learners quickly define, measure, build and name their high-demand employability skills.
    • CoD Game Board is a reusable 18" x 24" dry-erase project-based skill mapping tool. The Community On Demand game board makes team-building fun as it provides an extended use of the Community On Demand card game.  With the game board, learners are able to visually assess the employability skills they have, need and use to successfully complete any project.
    • CoD Skills Self-Assessment Worksheets are designed to help learners use the Community On Demand card deck to track the growth of their employability skills based on how they used them to successfully complete any project.
    • Money Guide for Young Entrepreneurs Activity Workbook is the official textbook for the Community On Demand card game curriculum.  It provides eight easy lessons to help young innovators assess their STEAM skills, build project teams, create career-building opportunities, and launch new social ventures.
    • Money Guide for Young Entrepreneurs Online Course (Curriculum Series) - is the online course series that provides in-depth digital visuals, audio tracks, and activity worksheets and provides a more robust team play experience.
    Training Operations
    • Junior Executive Management (JEM) Teams are pre-apprenticeship and work-based learning experiences to help learners use their employability skills to solve real-world problems.
    • Training sessions are recommended to last between :45-  90 minutes per classroom training session and last up to 12 weeks..
    • Students will be expected to exercise the skills learned within the classroom using the Community On Demand curriculum to develop impact solutions that address up to six socio-economic conditions that may be negatively impacting their community.
    • We highly recommend integrating The Money Guide for Young Entrepreneurs Activity Workbook and/or online courses to guide learners through the basic, advanced and ultimate game play levels of the Community On Demand card game which include activities on how to write a winning mission statement, develop a business plan, build a project malmanagement team and launch a social venture.
  • (List the requesting organization's company name in the space provided below)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • How many schools do you wish to form JEM Teams at?
  • How many students do you expect will participate in the JEM Team Pilot Project?
  • Will you present the Community On Demand curriculum in the classroom as part of an existing CTE/CTAE curriculum?
  • Will you use reasonable efforts to ensure that all students are provided at a minimum of 2-4 hours/week for up to 12 weeks of classroom training time in order for learners to get familiar with the Community On Demand card game?
  • Will you use reasonable efforts to ensure students have at least one hour to complete their STEAM Skills Self-Assessment Worksheets at three different times during training: before training starts, midway through training and immediately after their training experience ends?
  • Scholarships provided upon request and available funding.
    StudentsProfessional DevelopmentMaterialsTextbooksSupplemental 
  • Will you agree to pay fees required to offset the cost of curricula and student training materials to ensure a successful pilot of the Junior Executive Management (JEM) Team?
  • By checking the box below and submitting your request to form a Junior Executive Management (JEM) Team, you are expressing your interest in partnering with The NEXT Steps Youth Entrepreneur Program, Inc. to introduce the Community On Demand card game curriculum to you students in your district or county during the 2020-2023 school years. Please check "Yes" to confirm this statement.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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for K-12 Youth, Young Adults, STEAM Educators & Lifelong Learners” font_container=”tag:h3|font_size:20|text_align:center|color:%23000000|line_height:1.3″ google_fonts=”font_family:Montserrat%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

Serving Families & Communities Since 2008
