The Revolution of STEAM Education
Through Financial Literacy â–ª Blockchain Technology â–ª Entertainment â–ª Entrepreneurship
aSTEAM Village
A NEXT Steps Partners In Education Network Site
Kansas City, KS & Kansas City, MO
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[mvc_team_profile member_visibility=”outset” memb_name=”aSTEAM Village” memb_prof=”William Wells, Executive Director” info_clr=”#000000″ image_id=”94349″ info_size=”20″ memb_about=”OUR MISSION: Inspire students and families to pursue education and career pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM), through community-based project learning and innovative programs.” url=”|||” memb_email=”” memb_url=”” social_icon=”fab fa-facebook-f” social_url=”” social_icon2=”fab fa-twitter” social_url2=”” memb_addr=”1600 Paseo Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri 64108″ memb_skill=”Robotics” memb_skill2=”Aviation 101″ memb_skill3=”Video Game Design” memb_skill4=”IT & Computer Science Certification” memb_skill5=”Envision Center KCK & KCMO” memb_numb=”816.535.0939″ caption_url=””]
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A Veteran-Led STEAM Entrepreneurship & Skills Development System
for K-12 Youth, Young Adults, STEAM Educators & Lifelong Learners
Serving Families & Communities Since 2008