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The Revolution of STEAM Education

Through Financial Literacy â–ª Blockchain Technology â–ª Entertainment â–ª Entrepreneurship

The Legacies & Millennials Investment Club

Our investment club programs strengthen the financial literacy skills of NEXTGen innovators through mentorships with STEAM industry legacy makers.

Community On Demand Investor/Mentor Meetups

Legacy makers and NEXTGen innovators of The Legacies & Millennials Investment Club host monthly Investor/Mentor Meetups to pitch business ideas, present digital/financial portfolios, and secure investment and sponsorship opportunities for products, services and originally produced content created by members of our Partners In Education Network.

The Rich Kids Society

Eligible investment club members are Student Partners In Education Network members (ages 17 & under) that are currently completing The Money Guide for Young Entrepreneurs Curriculum Series with hopes of launching their own venture or investing in peer projects and initiatives.

The ATWOOD Co-Operative

Investment club members introduce farmily-owned farms and land owners to The ATWOOD Model and help them create their docu-series and other investment and revenue-generating opportunities within the agri-tourism, agri-tech and agri-business industries.

Gamers & Mixers Esports League

Investment club members host networking and technology events to:

    • Identify investment-worthy STEAM trends within the esports industry
    • Sponsor participants in our Gamers & Mixers esports league and Community On Demand play date events
    • Appoint brand ambassadors, and
    • Test new products of developers and manufacturers

A Veteran-Led STEAM Entrepreneurship & Skills Development System
for K-12 Youth, Young Adults, STEAM Educators & Lifelong Learners

Serving Families & Communities Since 2008