To The
Community On Demand Creative Economy
Visitor's Center
Inclusion & Celebration
Strengthening connections among people and communities
Become A Member
Collaboration & Self-Reliance
Enhancing the capacity of individual creatives, creative businesses and nonprofits
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Sustainability & Resources
Strengthening connections among people and communities
Investment Opportunities

Welcome To Our Creative Economy!

Where innovators, leaders and entrepreneurs create service projects, launch their businesses and jumpstart their careers.


Fresh Bites Service-Learning Projects

Preserve and celebrate cultural heritage, while fostering sustainability and creative entrepreneurship that contribute to the local economy’s identity.

The NEXT Steps Online Training Academy

Our “Build For Your Future” skills development course equips students with essential skills for the workforce and helps them turn their ideas into viable careers while contributing to the long-term success of the creative economy.

STEM Direct Youth Chamber of Commerce

Through JEM Team Franchises, the community collaborates to address local challenges, empowering youth to lead service-learning projects that drive sustainable growth and social impact.

The NEXT Steps Community Development Financial Institution

Our financial infrastructure supports student-led businesses and social enterprises so investments in youth entrepreneurship translate into real economic opportunities and revenue growth.

We support young innovators,
leaders and entrepreneurs
between the ages of 10-24

The ATWOOD Model Overview

Learn how we're converting food deserts into creative economies.

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Herb & Farm Initiatives

Development activities for your local agritourism network.

Featured Program Partners
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Welcome from the Mayor

Thank you for allowing me to make serving fun! Together, let’s use my Community On Demand™ card game to build a stronger, more sustainable future that is driven by the creativity, leadership, and vision of our next generation.

D. Jewel Harris, Mayor


Game-Based Learning Management System

Our learning community is all about getting you ready for the next big step in your journey. Our “Build For Your Future” skills development course uses the Community On Demand™ card game to  help you gain the foundational skills and knowledge you need to smoothly transition to your next level of growth. 

Here's How To Get Started!

Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Join
Become a member of the STEM Direct Youth Chamber of Commerce

Step 2: Form 
Form A JEM Team Franchise to operate your own mini-business within the Community On Demand creative economy.

Step 3: Train 
Complete the Build For Your Future Skills Development Course.

Step 4: Sustain
Develop and implement a Fresh Biteslearn-to-earn”  service-learning project.


Do Better. Think BIGGER!