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SIP Instructor Certification

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  1. Intro To The Creative Economy
    2 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  2. VIP Discovery Workshop
    4 Topics
    4 Quizzes
  3. Community On Demand Train-The-Trainer Workshop
    7 Topics
    27 Quizzes
  4. How To Create Your Community Connections Service-Learning Project
    5 Topics
    26 Quizzes
Lesson 2, Topic 4
In Progress

Evaluate Your STEAM Investigative Process

Dana Harris Monday, Mar 04 2019 3:24PM
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

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Lesson 7: Package Your Skills

Topic 3. Evaluate Your STEAM Investigative Process

Learn how to combine all of your researched data, activity guide worksheet answers, and digital media content from your service-learning project to create your JEM Team’s brand profile.

Written by: Dana Jewel Harris
Language: English
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What Will I Learn?

    1. Explain how your impact solution for your service-learning project will provide superior customer need satisfaction
    2. Evaluate your progress throughout the life of your project
    3. Assess the capabilities of your JEM team and impact of your service-learning project
    4. Create a brand profile and capabilities presentation materials for your JEM team

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What Can I Earn?

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Competitive Advantage Project Digital Badge Collection
Skillcoin Rewardsâ„¢
Based on $20.00 Digital Badge Sponsorship
Student Stipend – $6.00
Impact Project Fund – $8.00
COD Network – $6.00

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Requirements & Links:

Activity Worksheets & Forms

  • Money Guide for Young Entrepreneurs: Lesson 7 Package Your Skills (pdf/print)  Link
    Pdf copy included with the purchase of this course
  • JEM Team Brand Profile Worksheet  Download | Online Form
  • Business Plan Presentation Outline Download | Online Form
  • Signed Youth Waiver Link
  • Photo/Media Consent & Release Form Link


  • Internet connection
  • NEXT Steps user account (provided upon registration for course)
  • NEXT Steps membership account (optional) Link
  • Spiral notebook or journal
  • Some knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation applications
  • Some knowledge of writing blogs, using hyperlinks, using social media sharing buttons, downloading/uploading files, filling in online forms
  • Social media accounts (approved use by parents, guardians, etc.)



Communities need a healthy infrastructure to produce positive socio-economic indicators (conditions) and ensure future growth, success and sustainability for its citizens.  Completion of this course will help you:

  1. Identify opportunities for growth, success & sustainability in your community
  2. Develop a plan to address a socio-economic condition in your community
  3. Assess the pool of resources available to you within your team
  4. Understand the value of your time, resources and achievements
  5. Leverage your time as a valuable currency
  6. Maximize use of the Community On Demand digital economy
  7. Build upon your achievements to create your brand profile

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