
Join Our
Learning Communities

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Give learners the courage to take their innovative ideas to the next level

Civic Leadership

Creates volunteer opportunities for learners of all ages to participate in project-based service learning opportunities to demonstrate how they use their high-demand employability skills to solve problems within their community:

Environmental Exploration, Economics & Stewardship

Helps community stakeholders collaborate and create capacity-building initiatives that sustain their natural and built environment through the use of digital media technologies and socio-economics impact solutions that capture, value and celebrate the effective use of resources within their community’s ecosystem.

Agricultural Sciences, Urban Design & Marketing Cooperative

Helps land owners and farm families identify, assess, convert and monetize underutilized land into multi-use green spaces for agritourism, community enjoyment, conservation and preservation

STEAM Investigative Process Certifications

Introduces the STEAM industries, professionals and opportunities that exist within a local community and creates career-building, service learning and employment opportunities

Gamers & Mixers Esports Competition League

Provides financial literacy programming and fundraising opportunities through job shadowing, mentorship, school-based enterprises and service-learning projects for the sole purpose of converting them into social enterprises.

Pop Shop Studios
Marketing Cooperative

Creates events, activities and competitions designed to increase awareness of the benefits offered by the health and wellness service providers within a community and improve the physical, mental, emotional and behavioral health of students and their families .

Let Us Help Develop Your
Leadership Development Plan

Start Your Own 2-4 Year Pilot Program

Our Train-The-Trainer Professional Development Workshops provide step-by-step instructions on how to use our learning tools and materials so you can seamlessly integrate Community On Demandâ„¢ into your new or existing curriculum and training programs


Professional Development


Skills Self-Assessment Worksheets


Career Mapping Visualization Tools


Work-based learning experiences


Critical thinking, problem solving and leadership


Virtual engagement with STEAM Industry Professionals


Verification of skills development through applied learning