Help eGift Card


Help eGift Card Sponsorship

Invest in learners that are demonstrating how they participate fully in a work task or project from initiation to completion throughout the life of their service-learning project(s).

  • Select egift card amount
  • Enter or the email of the person that will receive this eGift card
  • Click Add To Cart then complete the purchase process




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$30.00 Sponsorship

Invest in learners that are demonstrating how they participate fully in a work task or project from initiation to completion throughout the life of their service-learning project(s).

Service Goals

  1. Learners must seek assistance and/or instructions from more knowledgeable sources by asking questions relevant to each task when needed.
  2. Learners must bring suggestions of possible answers and solutions to their peers, mentors or community partners during individual or group discussions.
  3. Learners must identify the most appropriate individual, mentor or community partner to provide assistance with completing tasks or answering questions.
  4. Learners must use positive language indicative of their interests that demonstrate their willingness to learn.

STEAM Education eGift Cards.

Marketing, Financial Literacy & Crowdfunding Tools

Triple Your Impact.  Our STEAM Education eGift cards are crowdfunding tools used to 1) represent the skills players are using to complete their design projects and 2) fund projects that allow players to practice creating budgets, generating revenue, purchasing materials and managing resources.

How They Work. Once players get a STEAM Education eGift card sponsored,  funds are separated into three use categories (Reward, Fund & Invest). Allocated resources must be used to seed the development of the products, services, innovative ideas and impact solutions players create for their Community On Demand™ design projects.

eGift Card Cash Allocations


30% of all eGift card sponsorships are allocated to a Student Stipend Fund where players can "pay themselves" or provide scholarships, grants, cash stipends and donations to their peers.


40% of all eGift card sponsorships go to our Impact Project Fund to help players develop and manage operating budgets for their design and service-learning projects.


30% of all eGift card sponsorships go to our CoD Network Fund to market, promote, distribute and "seed" the products, services, specials events and ventures created from design challenges.

Skills-Based eGift Card Gallery

Powered by

Sponsorship Requests. To minimize risk from fraud, requests for eGift card sponsorships should only be shared by players that are registered affiliates of our Pop Shop Shopify ecommerce site (which are typically paid members of our STEM Direct Youth Chamber of Commerce).  

Official Website:
STEM Exchange Pop Shop
Please check url to make sure you’re on the correct site and have not been re-directed to another site BEFORE you enter any personal or financial information!

How to complete eGift Card Sponsorships in 4 easy steps:

  1. Confirm skillcard url reflects the official skillcard gallery of our Pop Shop htts:// 
  2. Confirm name and value of the skillcard matches the image and value of the skillcard
  3. Select eGift card sponsorship amount from the range of denominations available then enter the number of egift cards you want to sponsor at your selected denomination amount.
  4. Check the box “I want to send this as a gift” then enter the email, name of the school, group or individual, and the name, address and lead instructor/mentor for the design project that the sponsorship is for.

    Recipient Name or Group Name:  The Trojan Warriors JEM Team
    Message: I.T. Cybersecurity Design Project for The Family Recreation Center, My Town, GA 12345  Teacher: Ms. Fannie Mae Jackson
    Click Add To Cart

  5. NOTE: Only share eGift cards using your Shopify affiliate account to better track your activity, funds and sponsors. Click the Share button and only provide your JEM Team’s email address, your JEM Team’s name and the name of your project, city, state and instructor, teacher or mentor’s name. 

Career Awareness & Exploration Egift Cards
(5 skills)

$30.00 Sponsorship
Funds projects that teach learners how to identify and explore local resources within their community.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Egift Cards (12 skills)

$30.00 Sponsorship
Funds projects that help learners strengthen their financial literacy skills in community-based economics & new business development.

Workforce Readiness & Personal Branding Egift Cards
(17 skills)

$30.00 Sponsorship
Funds projects that help learners develop project management and life readiness skills for college, career, business and community re-investment.

STEAM Career Clusters
Egift Cards
(18 skills)

$40.00 Sponsorship
Funds projects that introduce learners to the industries that drive the U.S. economy and the pathways they can use to jumpstart their careers

Leadership, Teamwork & Problem-Solving Egift Cards
(11 skills)

$50.00 Sponsorship
Funds projects that teach learners how to implement their impact solutions and demonstrate effective leadership skills.


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