How To Get Engaged

We Get Learners Ready For Life, Business & Career!

The innovative employability skills development curriculum that uses an interactive card game and online course series to get learners college and career ready.

Game-Based Learning Management System

The Flexible, Blended Learning Employment Solution for Life, Business & Community

Life Skills  A Curriculum A Resume A Business Plan Career Mapping Professional Development Economic Development Strategic Planning Leadership Coaching In A Box

Community On Demandâ„¢ is an innovative, game-based learning management system that uses the fun of a card to help learners (at any age) define, measure, build and name up to 63 of their high-demand employability (STEAM/soft) skills.

Employability skills are the core skills and traits that gives us value and makes us desirable to organizations, employers, colleges, hiring managers and teams.​

"Community On Demand™ is the best curriculum I think I’ve ever been involved with, and I sure hope you embrace it like I do."
LeeAnn Hinchberger
6th-8th Grade Teacher | Dobbins Middle School
Paulding County School District

We Create Engaging Learning Environments!

Our learning tools create enhanced work-based learning experiences for our partners in education through job shadowing, mentorship, service-learning, school-based enterprises and entrepreneurship.

Community On Demandâ„¢
The Flexible, Blended-Learning Employment Solution

Our modular game-based learning tools can be easily integrated into any new or existing skills development, workforce readiness and leadership training programs for learners of all ages

Click Each Item To Learn More

Game Set

3 Components


Training Events

Course License

Unlimited Number of Enrolled Students

Custom Programs

Work-Based Learning Experiences


Guided Instruction & Business Support Services


Join our Local Contributor Network

Meet The Investor

"I created the Community On Demandâ„¢ learning management system to provide effective leadership, skills development and professional development training tools that youth leaders, educators, mentors, life coaches, executive leadership coaches, hiring managers, workforce development agencies, nonprofit organization, and community groups can use to FINALLY bridge the communication gaps between the business and education communities.

Dana Jewel Harris | CEO & Founder
Curriculum, Business & Leadership Development Consultant
NEXT Steps Small Business Incubator &
Youth Entrepreneur Program

Let Us Help Develop Your
Community On Demandâ„¢ Implementation Plan

Our Train-The-Trainer Professional Development Workshops provide step-by-step instructions on how to use our learning tools and materials so you can seamlessly integrate Community On Demandâ„¢ into your new or existing curriculum and training programs


Professional Development


Skills Self-Assessment Worksheets


Career Mapping Visualization Tools


Work-based learning experiences


Critical thinking, problem solving and leadership


Virtual engagement with STEAM Industry Professionals


Verification of skills development through applied learning

Attend Our
Train-The-Trainer Workshops

Veteran-Led Professional Development & Youth Leadership Training Sessions

Junior Executive Management Team Leadership Workshops

Professional development training for youth and young adults to help them organize their people, places and things as they complete their STEAM Investigative Process.

STEAM Skills Self-Assessments for CTE Course Standard #1 (Part 1)

Demonstrates how Community On Demandâ„¢ visualizes the career mapping conversation and conducts skills self-assessments to track/measure employability

Enhanced Work-Based Learning & Career Development (Part 2)

Demonstrates how The Money Guide for Young Entrepreneursâ„¢ uses enhances work-based learning experiences to strengthen leadership, teamwork and problem solving skills for college & career readiness

Capacity Building, Community Engagement & Business Development (Part 3)

Demonstrates how to use our signature Community Involvement Growth Strategy (CIGS) Modelâ„¢ to address, reduce and/or eliminate socio-economic conditions that may be negatively impacting the local community

Start Your Own 2-4 Year Pilot Program!

Anticipated Results of Implementation


Community On Demand used as the official learning tool for CTE Course Standard #


Number of middle & high school students engaged within each school district


Measurable gains in employability skills development of all participating students


Issuance of Micro-Certifications for 8 key skills that verify college and career readiness

August 2020. Paulding County, GA becomes the first school district to integrate Community On Demandâ„¢ into their 4-Year Perkins V Funded Career, Technical and Agricultural (CTAE) Employability Skills Development Strategy for all 6th-8th grades.

Marores Perry
Director of Career, Technical & Agriculture Education
Paulding County School District
Paulding County, GA

A Social Experiment

Here's How Community On Demandâ„¢ Is Being Used Across The Country

Join the growing number of students, educators, mentors, STEAM professionals, and leaders from non-profits, community groups and local businesses that are committed to using Community On Demandâ„¢ as their preferred learning tools for employability skills development.


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Do Better. Think BIGGER!


3104 Briarcliff Road NE
P.O. Box 29605
Atlanta, GA 30345